Troublesome rising bollards in Burton are there to stay, council says

product-bollardposts Troublesome rising bollards in Burton are there to stay, council saysThe notorious rising bollards in Burton, Staffordshire, that managed to damage quite a fair share of vehicles, will remain in place for the time being, a recent release by the Staffordshire County Council has revealed.

According to a news report on this matter, there were a number of recorded incidents when motorists tried to follow buses through the bollard and got spiked by them. Each hit costs the authority £5,000 in maintenance and caused damage to the cars involved, while the occupants of the vehicles have also been hurt on several occasions.

For this reason, the local authority commissioned a report into the use of the three bollards, on High Street and Station Street. Nevertheless, the report, completed by URS Infrastructure and Environment UK, discovered that the bollards were not to blame.

Recognition has been made, however, that the signage in place could be confusing and could lead to mistakes, and a recommendation has been made that if the bollards are retained – which seems to be the most likely option – the signs should be improved.

Car Park Barriers & Turnstiles offers a high-end, reliable, yet quite affordable access restriction solution of this type as well, our Automatic Bollards being specifically designed to limit vehicle access to a specific location, and then be lowered rapidly when passage is authorised, typically within 2-3 seconds.

Our bollards are constructed out of concrete, stainless steel, aluminium or cast iron and are sturdy enough to be able to completely stop the majority of vehicles. Furthermore, they’re also quite resilient to atmospheric elements, and are housed inside compartments set into the road surface.

Additionally, an access control device, such as a smart card, can be combined with the automatic bollards, enabling quick and easy raising and lowering of the post. The Car Park Barriers & Turnstiles automatic bollards also sport an anti-intrusion locking system, as well as a failsafe in both retracted and extended position.

If you’d like to find out more about the reliable and affordable Automatic Bollards from Car Park Barriers & Turnstiles, our dedicated product team can answer any question you might have.