Safe turnstiles fitted with secure coin boxes as standard

photo-turnstile-4 Safe turnstiles fitted with secure coin boxes as standardOpposition politicians claim a charge for public WCs will result in people shunning them and they will use loos in shops and restaurants instead. They say it could eventually lead to council-run toilets being closed in Edinburgh. City environment convener Lesley Hinds said the public consultation on the budget had found people were willing to accept charges at city centre toilets. Cllr Hinds added that fees will not be introduced at certain public conveniences where they were not supported.

Carpark Barriers & Turnstiles’ toilet turnstiles offer improved security and safety. They are fitted with secure coin boxes as standard or can be coupled with a set of smart cards. With cards, flow capacity is significantly increased compared with any swipe card system, as the card is read in under ¼ second and doesn’t have to be removed from a wallet or purse. With the addition of a fingerprint biometrics system from our associates, you have the perfect barrier against illegal entry.