A woman used a forged passport for seven years before being caught. Qamar Yasmeen went on to gain a drivers licence and find work under a false name after stealing an identity. Yasmeen was imprisoned, while investigators said the deception had devastating consequences on the victim, who has not been named. In 2007, Yasmeen travelled to Pakistan and got married using her victim’s name, sponsoring her husband so that he could return with her to the UK.
Car Park Barriers and Turnstiles offers a Tensor Access Control system which powers your car park barriers, turnstiles, site entrances, door locks, and almost any other electronic security mechanism. Using smart card technology, hidden access readers will bar entry for unauthorised personnel but will let staff through, typically within ¼ second.
Also, the Lite ID Card entry-level ID system represents an easy-to-use solution if you need to quickly begin ID card production for your employees. Complete with a mid-range plastic card printer, this bundle includes everything you need to start producing your own name badges and stop anyone attempting to use false ID.