Turnstiles in public toilets benefit older people

glass-turnstiles Turnstiles in public toilets benefit older peopleThe decrease in public toilets (some 15 per cent approximately in the past decade) has had a negative impact on society: this is especially felt in older people. Age UK, who used to be known as Help the Aged, researched the problem and found that 13 per cent of older people (1.26 million) do not go out more than once a week. The campaigning group said their evidence suggests that lack of public toilets is a significant contributory factor in the isolation of older people.

Carpark Barriers & Turnstiles among their range of products manufacture and install toilet turnstiles, which can help local authorities provide public conveniences. The technology does this by including a coin operated mechanism in order to raise revenue. This will pay for their day to day upkeep and cleaning, thus decreasing the chance that the authority will close down the facility by using the excuse that maintenance is too expensive. The durable turnstiles are constructed to work in all weathers and conditions, and have a two year warranty.